
5th January 2012

Had lunch today with the man in my life, my daddy oh!  This 'nasi lalap' have nothing special to rave about.  Could have been better with having a better taste sambal but not. So no need to know where is this. *tongue's out* It's okay... Cheers for the weekend everyone! :)  

Life & Opportunities

'Now you see, now you don't.' Opportunities come and go, just like friendship/ relationship, life and death. Perfect timing. Grab it while it last. Feels similar to doing a marathon on a shopping cart, with those discounts going on. The sun goes down, it will turned into dark skies. Let not those tears dampen your spirit, Shining hope of the earth will be back eventually.  You're coming to me sooner or later.   The way I see how life is, I always try my best to have that positive view.  

Strong sense doesn't fail me....

Strong sense doesn't fail me.  Figured out. Noticing the obvious.  My eyes are in disbelief, at the same time,  why am I not surprised as well? I am not in the picture. No, I am no longer in it. Am I even part of it? Should I care less or walked away and leave?  

2nd January 2013

I am a least morning person you will find.  Trust me when I say that cause you don't want my cranky bits to spill in your coffee or tea. But it does not mean I will be less of being 'honey and pancake' for breakfast.   Made a surprise breakfast for my parent's this morning. Things I would do for my loved ones. Because today is special.   

1st January 2013

First chapter of 2013.  Why does it seems so surreal? Trying to wake up to let go of the past. Like eh, hello?  We have left it behind like a couple of hours ago.Ignore this sleepy head from the party last night. Had a glorious first day of the year by relaxing ! Oh wait, a squeeze in time for something productive too.