
Showing posts with the label Daily Fresh

My story, in a week

Exactly one week ago, last weekend, our the Red Shoes company went for our first flea market in Megalong. It was a bit tiring and not that organize but the experience we had were priceless! Not only as a team but a family, we cherished every moment we had from first till the last customer of the day. Loved ones and close friends were very supportive and even drop by just to see how we were. I truly appreciate the thought. Could not asked for more. It made my day. I am sure the rest as well. All of those endless effort and togetherness was worth it. This week, it's the TRS resting week, time flies quicker than I want it to be. Had a busy & rough starter of the week at my day job. Good for me though. At least I got to distract my mind a bit. It's fine. No worries. Something, something, something. After 3 years of blogging, it's better not to kiss and tell about it. :) And just... Last night, my sister just turned our house into a chocolate factory. I can hear that 'W

18 August 2010

Morning had a lil sunshine. A bit gloomy till the evening. But it doesn't make me. I wonder why. I just had to wake up from a dream where it's impossible for me to be a lead actress in it. Tonight. One topic. Laughters and reminiscene. It seems like we were all in one place. Together. Loved ones on conversation through a social networking. This is rare. But sweet none the less. :)

Oh my Friday 13th, what about?

12.56 a.m I feel like blogging. I haven't had my sweets for 4 days straight and today my colleague D* gave me sour sweets! Nice, very, very nice try. There you got me :) Friday the 13th I don't feel so good. Maybe I have the feeling that it's not going to be my lucky day after all. And I think the sudden sweetness, sugar level gave me bursting madness. I don't know what got in to me but I really feel like you should stop what you're doing. I just don't want to be one of them, cause I want to be the only one. I want to be the best and beat the rest. Enough said already. Oh well, literally. Busy the whole night through. I haven't got time entertaining people online. Or maybe I'm just sick about that something. I should really go to bed for the flea market later. Preparation was fun though and I get to go out wearing 'L' for the 1st time... Hope no one noticed me! Yikes! :P


Steaming hot. Depressing. No air, no air. Screw, that I can no longer breathe. Without proper ventilation. Morning, afternoon till the evening. 8 hours of no air-conditioning at work meant helluva hours! Four days straight already? I almost died. *faints*

Same old, same thing

I think I'm getting tired of the same old thing. I want to step out and off from the field. Who knows it might be greener on the other side, better than the grass? "Maybe I should start watching the game again." You think? Would love to get updated on another game instead! :)

Slow. Almost break the thing into pieces. Pressure. Think I could do some cliff diving or bungee jumping at that moment. Inconsiderate bit**s. Don't wanna talk about it. And the unbelievable words from thy mouth. Did that just came from you? *hides* ******************* Laughed while I cried. I got myself a bloody internal bleeding thumb. What was I thinking? Got my innocent right thumb swelling and stuck between the car door. Ohhh Myyyy Goshhh! I feel numb. Ouch, ouch, ouch! :( ******************* Busy Friday nights. What I'm up for weekends? You don't need to know. Stop saying how dull my life goes. We work & we play. If we have a band, we would most probably call ourselves 'Da'Mangoes' (right, right, right? :P) . And I love them as much as we enjoyed having choc, rasberry vanilla & mint ice-cream at 1.30 in the morning. Maybe even more. Let's it work it out real hard shall we? :)