
Showing posts with the label Thoughts

Flushed out those frustrations....

Flushed out those frustrations & deal with it my dear, accept it cause we certainly can't have it all. All of us need to be reminded, every single day that even if we have what we wanted today, tomorrow might be the day it will be taken away from us.  Being strong is so over rated. But at least it helps me let my tears run dry over those spilled milk. I've gained something out of it. Learn my lesson. Sees the day in a positive happier way and I look forward to moving on a lot better. Once you are in it, you will never turn back.  *smiles*

28th June 2012

High spirited, with strong will as if no man could break the Great Walls of China,  oh wow the amazing Seven Wonders of the World.  But even the rough & tough and hard ones could break down.  Why does it hurts when no one believes in your dreams? Sometimes wishing those hearts were made out of plastic  so it will have to taste the pain.  Oh welll, we are only humans after all.

301109 : A single line or two...

A single line or two , could it makes a difference you may ask? My morning's filled with a text of laughter from a distant ray of sunlight, Couldn't be bothered if the evening hit me with a rock, Cause I'm definitely feeling the beat of the rhythm till midnight. For the Monday blues has gone way before I speak. ~Eudora M.M~ (This was an inspiration I got through my days of life)

the three layers that shine

....strolling at the beach with a beautiful eye catching view, happy and contented. Who would have thought something beyond expectation? And came through the unexpected. The truth, I have discovered.