Follow my blog with bloglovin Unfamiliar. Well for a moment, I thought we've never met. Still I greet it with a smile. "Hey Stranger, it seems ages ago!" And it may be rare for me saying this right now that stranger was you, the road less taken and travelled. Gunung Emas, Keningau and Tambunan, where you used to be a close friend during my childhood days. Cause you see, we don't quite do this as often anymore. Packed with nothing but a bag full of nonsense and compact camera in my hand, and did I forgot to mention some lil bit of snacks and tidbits, and crazy family laughter along the way too? I was over-joyed! I can finally feel the excitement once more. I mean who would have thought we would do a road trip again after so long. I was umm, acting a little bit childish, I could jumped up so high! It was rather last minute but everyone was so game for it! Oh yeah, my family is that adventurous! :) Unexpected. We found a new place to explore! Cause it was not even in o...