
::Right Now::

Right now, I'm just confused about certain things. Choosing the best things in life. Urmm, it just aint that easy when it comes to making decision whether to go on with my career or to continue my studies. If I quit now, its not worth it cause I know it is certainly hard to get a job these days, it is all about the competition or race to get up to there. But I also think I should upgrade myself to get to the next level. I wished things would be easier for me. I only hope & pray to God that He will send His Guardian Angel to guide me through all this.

it's Saturday....

Oh my gosH ! Haven't been updating these past few days ! GueSS I've been really LAZY and owh well I'm being too BUSY at the moment also. Last nite, I was eagerly waiting to watch my favourite local band "ESTRANGED" on Musik Musik (for those of you who don't know it's on air every Friday night 9.30 pm @ channel tv3). Well, I don't really watched much tv these days. I didnt even know the exact time at first and ya do I even watch Musik Musik? Nay ! But I did last nite! Ekekeke ;p I was on the net frequently checking out stuffs. As I stumbled upon Estranged's latest news...According to their official website, they will performed live during that show. And the best part was, Accoustic version ! *Wondering* I was really wanting to know how it turned out to be....I've never seen they perform accoustic.But too bad my curiousity ended up with dissappointment ! Damn, they will be only on tv next Friday ! Who said they're gonna be on tv last nite on

You misunderstood me.....

You can talked & tell me if you are not happy about it, say what you really wanted to say but you refused. Hiding it wont solve everything. Every little things has a solution to it. Now look what happened to us, causing a stir to our relationship is not what i'm expecting. Sometimes I felt that I don't even know you at all. When I told you yesterday I didnt mean that I wanted to cancelled what we have been planning for all this while. I'm not that kind of person la. I would not spoil it for anything. I just told you that to shorten the days because of I'm scared I wouldnt have enough leave. But if you're not okay about it then we should go on with the trip. I wouldnt mind at all. I just wanted your OPINION thats it ! But then you always misunderstood what I wanted to say. You wont even listen when I wanted to talked it OVeR ! OMG, come lah its a SMall thing & you're trying to make it a BIG DeaL....Why make it such a FuSS? Suddenly you're acting like

Turning a year older ...oN the 12th April 2007

Thank you so much to all who gave me special treat, gifts & wishes during my birthday ! Here's some pictures on the night of my birthday. Steamboat Buffet which I happened to LOVEEEE SoO MucH.Thanks Once Again...I finally turned 23 ! Yikes I'm getting older by year Hahaha =p Venue of the Night....Kg. Nelayan ;) Chillies.....More of it ! =p :::::: WASTED :::::::: The FINISHED product....Hahaha ;p The Birthday Girl~ Hehehe ;)

Life, I'm Thankful for.....

I am thankful to God for I am still here today. Thankful for the many abundant blessing which I have received today & all these years. Thank you for giving me the chance to live again. Only God knows what happened that particular day if He has chosen to let me leave this world so soon. He has showered me with beautiful people surrounding whom I get to see & smile the whole day through. Meeting new people & getting to know them further. Life is so much full of pain, not always a bed of roses but Life to me is always beautiful, Beautiful when you know how to appreciate others, when you know how to be thankful for everything. Without God, you will not have LIFE & the Happiness you seek. I learn to love the life I am Living right now. Though it's not perfect, it's still better than anyone else. For this I am THankful for the Life you have given me for 23 years. I want to Live my Life to fullest ! ;)