
Garden on A Monday

The garden at my home. Green, green grass on top of my hill. No longer long & not well maintained. My eyes sees the breath taking view, not perfect but better than the polluted side of the world. Sometimes it seems that the grass is greener but the fact is it's the usual green. I guess I'm always in love with the greens. And I am a nature lover too! ;) The murderer, scorching sun kills me. I could feel my fair skin being burnt. Sweats wet me up. It was indeed hot but still not complaining though! ;p I have been spending half of my Monday helping mum with her garden. Throwing away those unwanted grass & dried leafs inside the pot. Getting rid the ones that could destroy the plants and not to mention making it lack of nutrients. It is somehow a rare thing for me to do this. Gardening, getting sweaty & all. A good exercise on the evenings, weekends I wish I could do it often. No, I don't have green hands as the Incredible Hulk does. I am not into gardening either.

My Own Merdeka Time

Happy Independence Day Malaysia! :) And today also the day where my aunty Velarie got engaged! Congrats to you & fiance! Sorry can't make it. :) I got myself up reallyyyyy early this morning. Woke up at 5.30 a.m & I forced, dragged myself out of bed. I had an early day. I haven't been an early riser since I-had-no-clue-damnit-when ! Haha ;p So I was pretty surprised & amazed. Early mornings used to be my cup of tea last year. But never ever since. Despite the late nights & early mornings, I don't know how I got through those days. I'm just glad I won't have to anymore. ;) Speaking of late night, I got pretty late last night & some more too early morning. Seriously, I haven't got in a conversation witb someone, a complete stranger I only met through the Internet, about that pictured beautiful place for a while already. I thought I would forget about it but failed to do so. You can say I kind of miss talking about it. Some people loves bein
I was wondering what to blog about and almost had no clue at all. So here I am going to type anything that goes out from my mind. While listening to A Relic Is What I Live In a nd couple of songs by our Malaysian local singer/songwriter, Reza Salleh, trying to enjoy the night away. It's a cold one again. And I still can't believe my favourite singer/songwriter is taken. *sigh* Heehe ;p Anddddddd.....I got this from my e-mail today! *a lil of excitement here* Copy-pasted from the email I've received. ********************************************************** Don't miss Bobby Chinn on CNN Talk Asia Show times: Hong Kong , Kuala Lumpur , Manila, Singapore and Taipei Saturday: 07.30, 23.00; Sunday: 08.30, 21.00 Bangkok and Jakarta Saturday: 06.30, 22.00 Sunday: 07.30, 20.00 London (GMT) Friday: 23.30; Saturday: 16.00, 0130; Sunday: 14.00 For more information, please click on the link below We hope you en

Strike a Pose With LouisPang!

I was at Mr. & Mrs. Simon Marsh wedding garden party recently on the 16th of August to be exact and for the 2nd time around, I met the award winning international wedding photographer again! He was so busy but still I had the guts to asked him to take pictures with us at the end. He said he remembered me from the Epson session that day but forgotten my name. As he was rushing for the pictures slide show to be presented for the night, we only had a quick chat & snap,snap for pictures awhile after the luncheon. At that time, he was carrying his 2 gorgeous Nikon babies left & right. He was about to put it down before taking a picture but I insisted that spanking 3 days old Nikon D700 camera of his will have to be in the picture too! I am so wanting that camera lah ! If only...I wish I could! *sigh* Louis asked us to strike some pose....... With the tired looking face of us. We were sweaty & all, what do you expect. It was on a sunny afternoon. Thanks to one of his crew m
Pouring rain outside, so cold, it has been like this for few days now. I could feel my thin flesh of skin crying, aching. I am not too used of the air. This kind of weather is turning me into a lazy bone. I tend to get real sleepy. Which is so not good. Really. Heehe. On another note: Currently, I don't know about you guys but after doing some updating on the fashion scene, and daddy got this while vacationing with mum.... Yes, Miss Eudora with the fedora Rhyme issit? Haha ;p lovelove <3