
to the author of Life For Beginners

.... here is a special birthday dedication. Just a little tribute, a lil something to share. Sorry, I have no present for you bro. Heehe ;p ************************************************************************************ Stumbled upon while doing lots of hopping, going through good reads where I used to go to other people's blog.... I knew I saw this familiar name at one or two of my already favourite blog at that time. Out of curiousity, I clicked his link and I have gotten know who this KM guy is! ;p I can that he is one talented author/writer/designer/photographer who had tons of love surrounded him between family and friends. You can tell by reading his blog. Being a fan of great inspirational, beautiful written words, I never regretted wasting some of my precious time reading your updated posts. I became a frequent visitor, commentor & reader when I had the time eventually. I like it when you actually response to your readers point of view every time. Shows how you ap

New “Birdie Scripted” Contest

Gisele Jaquenod & Birdie is having a " Birdie Scripted " Contest till the 31st January 2009. All you have to do is think of a little script for a Birdie Says mug, post it up on your blog & explain about this contest. Further details are here *click* . And if you win, you will get yourself a Birdie Says mug & print! How awesome is that? ;) Here is my 3 scripted ideas : 1) "Milk, anyone?" With milk stains dropping from the mug. Since most of the mugs on the website is for coffee/tea/cocoa lovers. Why not design a mug for those who love drinking milk instead? 2) " Fancy A Cup or Two? " While Birdie says that, pictured Birdie holding one or two mugs on it's hands. 3) " Have a Break, Get a Drink!"

Never Ever Say Never! *UPDATED*

It's another gloomy day but I'll let it pass by slowly. ********************* I suddenly realize what day is today. It is the VIMA 2008 , Malaysia's First Independent Music Awards. Geez, how time flies! Since I don't get the chance to become a spectator to the VIMA's and I was eager to know the results already, I decided to send an SMS to DinotheDrummer. Turns out, he texted me back saying that they were not going to win. I did not replied. Two hours later, he told me that they had just actually won one of the nomination Best Genre Bender category! EDIT : And 3rd place for Best Rock Song! WoOhOooooo! Makes my day! :) As I've told DinotheDrummer, " See told you that you guys gonna win ! " ;p It was great to hear about the winning as I have been constantly voting on the net. Yes, I did it on a daily basis. Heehe *shy* And not to mention votes for Yuri Wong the ex member of FrequencyCannon as well. I wonder if he had won any award tonight? Hmmm...

Winter On a Summer Night

O.. the late nights and wet weather these few days, I felt like doing absolutely nothing. As if it felt like the rain pouring down on a wintery day. It's not like I've been any closer to snow before. I just felt so cold, it shivers. Thank goodness I haven't caught influenza just yet. But you know what? I've had the most wonderful sleep in the entire week so far! Plus, I simply adore & love how that au naturale coolness to make my much needed sleeping beauty almost heaven! And oh, better get more of that now. Ooh, what a bliss! :) later loves! <3

She ain't that heavy, she is....

one of my little munchkins! The I-love-a-camera niece who loves posing everytime you snap a picture of her and once she saw you holding a camera, she will definitely stick with you for hours. Heehe. ;) And her name is Madeline. Ain't she adorable? lovelove <3