
Flying up.....Wheeeee.....yay! :)

this will be a really spontaneous blog post that came straight from my head right now... fly, fly high above the sky the bird's going to be alone & lonely but it is okay it say coz it is a jolly, happy day take it come what may whatever that comes my way thank God for it is Friday! :) for this I have a reason to say why.... I am happy & gay.

Dining Out : Fukurou 080509

About a month ago, we, the sisters went for Japanese food outing. Located in Damai area, Fukurou, the name of the place has a nice ambiance & perfect for dining & catching up session. I love it when the place is not that big & it is usually not that crowded. Fukurou also has a black and white colour scheme makes it a very modern & zen-like restaurant. Like any other Japanese restaurant here, it offers a variety of sushis. It may be a bit pricey, but I noticed that the sushi's there are a bit bigger in size compared to other places. Plus, you have options to choose rather than having to choose a lot of set meals which sometimes there is you don't like whats on your meal. But if you are fan of bento's, there don't have that much choices here. Okay, pictures of food what we had that day. And a free small portion of dessert after meal. Japanese food makes one happy & healthy, And not feeling guilty! Heehe ;p

Buzzing about Queen Bee....

Few months back, I saw this link to Queen Bee's or Tika Putri 's blog to be exact and I am instantly glued to her blog ever since! I absolutely love the way she dressed up & her colourful style and outfit. Even though she sometimes blog in Bahasa Indonesia, but thank goodness I can still catch what she's trying to say. And recently got to know about the release of her movie. After watching the movie trailer, it makes me saying , "gue pengen banget nonton movie ini dong! bisa nggak? " Heehe. Hopefully I will get to watch this or else I need to get to Jakarta. Plus, I find it... the actor named Reza Rahardian is cute! ;) This is Reza. Get what I mean? Salah satu Cowok ganteng Indonesia! In my opinion that is. So, go ahead and watch this & you'll see what I mean. Andddd...before I forget this music video has got to be my favourite Indonesian song that the moment. I think it's lucu banget ! Enjoy! :) P/s : Queen Bee, if you are reading this, do send

1,000 Birdies Giveaway!

Yet another giveaway by the lovely Gisele Jaquenod. Just trying my luck here. Blog revamp anyone?

Mother's Day'09

What a great day to celebrate a mother's love with a platter of seafood & an American fish and chips at Fish & Co......indeed! :) Ans enjoying the pink mocktail drink called 'Pink Passion'....schweetttt! Hee :D