
Went through without realization....

"Went through without realization, I often wonder, As each day passed by, could you at least be any kinder? Maybe just maybe, perhaps be a lil' bit slower?" -Eudora Maluna Manggala You know you're getting older by day when you actually forgot to flip your calendar to the actual month it is. July was too fun and now it came to my head, hit me, that I've managed to fast for 3 days & it's freaking August already! Here's what I had for 'buka puasa' : Sorry if this picture makes you hungry : ♥

31st July 2011 Happening

First time attending #VoiceOut And it was AWESOME! Updates will up soon if I could! xx love

Love or Hatred....

"Love or hatred, it all depends on u, I've nothing against it. With sincerity, loyalty & honesty, I'm just here to help for the love of music!" -Eudora Maluna Manggala Happenings: Red. Eat. Window Shopping. Cotton On. Brands Outlet. Shopaholics Bazaar 2011. Signed up for SPCA. Yumcha. Talk.

Not enough....

What a busy,busy day! Multiple tasks on the go. Some were ignored. And some got affected by my cranky side. Even with sweet dreams last night, not sure what when wrong this morning. Sorry. "It takes strength & courage to reach the top, But I know I can with my Havaianas flip flop!" -Eudora Maluna Manggala Flip flop? What was I thinking? Totally random. Yeah,I'm just sleepy! Good night! ♥

Feels like a kid again...

Image be indulging on my ice-cream,in a cup and strawberry sticks (I blame this on ChrisP for tweeting about it..haha:P) , I bet kids during my time, love it to bits! What a treat on a hot day, sweating buckets but at least it makes me feel good I get to reminisce on my childhood days! And maybe some popping sudden hello chat from not-quite-a-stranger makes it sweeter! ♥