
Puffy clouds and I, literally

Today.  Cotton candy like, or was it just cotton? Puffy clouds and I, yes literally, has that deep some thing, some thing. I don't know what it is but it some how reminds me of what's close to my heart.  Oh puffy clouds and I, Blue skies and the wonders of nature,  You make me not afraid to fly,  Reach out and just be free. 

Should I? Not I?

I asked myself if I wanted this and that. Or should I stay or leave? Continue and feel less,  Or should go out of the box and be my happiness?  Maybe for once, love a good bad decision perhaps? I'd say,  Risk and chances, I'm taking you with me. 

1st January 2015

  Happy new year everyone! :) Once more, my hands are itchy for words. It was a lovely morning to begin with, and I just want a relaxing day the whole day. Nursing my still injured right leg but this just had to be shared here.  'I am nothing closer to perfection, Tested my patience through it all,  I learn to control it by dancing to tea symphony every time. Whatever happened to that coffee addiction?  Whatever happened , Actually I am not sure now.  Whilst searching for the love,  The so called coffee mate of life,  Was probably not my cup tea, I'm sure. This year, let it begin, Seek the love in the air, Whilst she travels afar, Heard that question again... Coffee or tea? ' 

One after another...

One after another, this endless suffer, makes one bitter, may we grow stronger,  love and light heals for the better. ❤️

Paperplane Pursuit - Feel Good

 When I was still actively writing for a local magazine, I have never thought that I would be over the moon to get them on my article, and to have them said yes to do the interview was a dream come true. Getting to keep in touch with one them was even better. Looking at their hard work, I've decided to help them a little. I probably annoy them hell a lot with my Tweets and Instagram postings but who cares, I am only sharing the music that I love the most and hopefully they will forgive me for that. Ever so inspiring and talented guys, bits by bits their songs somehow lifted my spirits up high. I have never felt that excited every time this song pops up on the radio or my colleagues suddenly played your song a couple times on the stereo. When I feel like it's a bad day and down, this song automatically serves me, my cup of tea, the calming effect. Thank you for the song, you make me sing and dance like no one's watching, cause I'm just a bad one to be honest.