A Simple Short Note
For Today........

"Every night she cried herself to sleep ,
Thinking why does this happened to me?
Why does every moment have to be so hard?"

There are certain things in life seems to be so complicated.  
Some say its way too hard for an explaination.  
Some people might not know what happened in the past.  
They might not even understand what it's like to be in your side. 
But they are really good friends out there who do listen. 
Good friends who don't pretend and lie.  They tell the truth.
Those kind who makes your life easier instead of trying to make it harder for you. 

I am glad I have those kind of friends. :)

On a happier note :
Big Shoutout to my cousin who is celebrating her birthday today!

Your truly and cousin Elsa

~ HaPPY BirtHDaY to My Cuzzy, Elsa !!!!!!!!!! ~
Miss You



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