Got Boobies ?
Pink is the official colour for October. What I really meant was the Pink Ribbon. Why Pink? Pink Ribbon symbolizes the Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign. In conjunction with that, has come up and fully support by creating awareness among the society. Many still do not know the importance of doing a regular check up could actually save your life. The mission here is a friendly reminder to all of you especially young women (and men) to conduct a regular self breast examination. Got Boobies? Check them.
I have to say that I fully support this Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign cause I care.
I know we all do. Do you?
Let us come together, come on talk & don't be shy about it , spread the words & make a difference! :)
Thank you for your support towards our campaign!
You've done a good job in spreading the news to your fellow readers and friends!
Cheers to a good cause!