Hello again, Charity Sunday!
22 August 2010
She's been itching to go again.
As she passed by the familiar road, but this time to an unknown route, she could feel the trees waving to her. Hello, hello. Two churches to cover this time. Short and sweet. Friendly strangers. The view was spectacular in her own eyes. She felt as if she was on top of the world for once. Did she ever told you that she adore the beautiful sky?
Captured as much memories as she could.
Enjoying those few minutes she hopes she'll never forget.
Before she bids farewell to the pleasant atmosphere, like every little place she visited, this one holds a special place in her heart. :)
And since her friend was making her jealous about cooking Mee Tuaran the previous day, she finally got her cravings satisfied when making a pit stop in Tuaran.
And there after to Kokol Hills, playing 'LOST' before heading home. :p
Would love more Sundays like this!
22 August 2010
She's been itching to go again.
As she passed by the familiar road, but this time to an unknown route, she could feel the trees waving to her. Hello, hello. Two churches to cover this time. Short and sweet. Friendly strangers. The view was spectacular in her own eyes. She felt as if she was on top of the world for once. Did she ever told you that she adore the beautiful sky?
Captured as much memories as she could.
Enjoying those few minutes she hopes she'll never forget.
Before she bids farewell to the pleasant atmosphere, like every little place she visited, this one holds a special place in her heart. :)
And since her friend was making her jealous about cooking Mee Tuaran the previous day, she finally got her cravings satisfied when making a pit stop in Tuaran.
And there after to Kokol Hills, playing 'LOST' before heading home. :p
Would love more Sundays like this!