
Another belated birthday gift ♥

Serenade me with love songs, till my heart melts... Strumming on your guitar strings, your voice made me speechless! I thought you've said only two songs diba ? Pero I got 4 songs in one night! Wheee, I'm a happy lady! We should do this more often even if only on Skype! Haa! Train ♥ Switchfoot ♥ Coldplay and what's the other one again? :P Oh wow, so much love for a belated birthday gift! Thanks again CP :) *big hugs* With lots of ♥

A letter I would ♥ to have.....

Some of you might have noticed that I've tweeted about this.... Oh, how I wish someone will write me something like this ! ♥ Sad naman he had to die in an accidente in Tarlac while heading home to Manila. Guess it is his time to go....Manila lost another young star! *sobs* RIP cutie AJ Perez!

A song on a belated birthday! ♥

I was late. But what the heck. I managed to grab a minute or two or more than that. Few lines of words on star chat at and he still remembers me! I can't believe he just sang 'Sweet' to me as I requested with a belated birthday wish! ♥ ^_^ 'Live' on USTREAM that is. Hahaha ;p These past few days, those who followed me on Twitter might noticed that I've been tweeting about this guy. This one particular guy I find talented since 2007. And back then, I was loving his autographed demo album I got from Hanafi Estranged. Honestly, still do. He is that talented Malaysian singer.

It's 12th April, it's my birthday!

Slept late again last night. Thanks to an awesome conversation. I've been sleeping really good and having sweet dreams lately,where it happened on a high mountain, so beautiful, nothing's missing, it was all perfect! The only thing I wished for is it will come to reality. It felt so nice, it's indescribable. Woke up, still feeling sleepy. And my wall's ( No, I don't mean my bedroom wall...Haha :P ) were already flooded with words of love & as I tweeted : Waking up to a whole lot of happy wishes! I like! ^_^ I was dancing & singing my morning, as if it's Sunday. Was feeling really,really good today. Still smiling on the few text messages I got on my phone this morning. And to receive something twice on my day makes it even more awesome, one on FB & on text, wheee! ♥ Not forgetting the only YM message I got from the Philippines! What makes this year a more special one and meaningful cause it's made of extra ingredient and it's too sweet for

My 1st Pre-Bday surprise ever!

I've never expected anything more each year. Even as the years passed by, I only count my blessings as the day came every year. Last Friday was a usual working day for me. Usual but I felt something different. I am not sure. Maybe it is just a feeling that got me affected the other night. Even when I've made that one apology. That different feeling made me feel like there was something not right and lead me to talking to a colleague about getting 'surprised'. Since honestly, I've never got any before. Yeah seriously! But that doesn't mean I got a clue about it. I wouldn't want to go much details about it but yes, would love to share a snippet of it here. And since it is my first, why not document this happiness right? :) When I got home that day, my sister was early from work. That's strange. But I didn't suspect any fishy thingy going on. I went straight to my room & went online. Was supposed to go out that night but it didn't went through